When we come together to make a difference, everyone wins. That’s why we’ve been working hard behind the scenes to help make the holiday season a little brighter for those who need it most. For the first time, The Nick is hosting a food drive to benefit the Brookland Community Food Bank. We’re offering 10% off film tickets to all patrons who bring non-perishable food items to the theater to fill their shelves. This collaboration came about with the help of the Brookland Foundation’s Development Director, Kristopher Jones – who also was recently elected to The Nick’s Board of Directors.
While in his own words he’s “fresh in” to his leadership position here at The Nick, Jones is experienced in the nonprofit sector and in Columbia’s arts community. He witnesses first-hand just how important the pantry is to vulnerable Midlands residents. Over 500 families visit the food bank each month, and it is especially crucial to provide for them during the holidays. When Jones came onboard with the Nick’s governance, he saw an opportunity. “We have so many families that depend on the pantry,” Jones said, and “we’re looking forward to forging partnerships that will keep our pantry stocked for our clients.” Together, we hope that The Nick’s devoted membership base and patrons will jump at the chance to help families in need, and enjoy a film, too!
The Brookland Foundation is a United Way Community Partner and a new connection for The Nick. It was born out of Brookland Baptist Church almost 30 years ago, formed to reach out to the community and serve those outside of the church’s membership. According to Jones, an estimated 85% of people the Foundation serves are non-members. And its offerings include much more than just the food bank. It runs several programs and works with its community partners to combat homelessness, promote educational achievement among disadvantaged populations, and eliminate health disparities.
“We’re hoping to connect with donors and potential supporters who we haven’t reached in the past,” Jones noted, and he’s looking forward to a good turnout in this first collaboration. We encourage our members and patrons to bring in a few items to our collection bins and receive their ticket discount. Look for foods that will help a family put together a holiday meal, like canned meats, instant side dishes, powdered milk, or sugar. Together, we’ll make this season a little easier for our neighbors and friends.